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We would like to thank you for Considering !

Please take a moment to compare our company policies to our competitors. You will quickly see we care about you and your buying experience.

We take extra care inspecting your equipment before packaging. We remove the cardboard boxes and visually inspect all of your equipment for damage. We spare no expense and protect your shipment with a custom wood crate... You might ask why? Because we care about you and value your business.

We do not believe a customer should be responsible for shipping damage. It is not your responsibility to check if equipment is damaged at delivery. The process of dealing with a damaged delivery is unpleasant and time consuming. We want you to have a great buying experience with us.

Yes it costs us more to protect your shipment and costs us even more to ship because of the extra weight. Your happiness is worth it to us. 

We are here to make sure you get the right equipment for your needs.

If you order the wrong item, we consider that our fault. We will help you exchange that product for the correct one and waive any shipping costs and restocking fees.

It is our job to help you find the correct equipment for your needs. Anyone can sell you equipment. We make it our responsibility to make sure your buying the correct equipment. Please give us the chance to help and educate you. We want you to get the correct equipment for your needs even if you do not make a purchase from us.

We will register your equipment at no charge after you have it installed. Registration will extend your parts warranty from 5 to 12 years with some manufacturers. If anything goes wrong with your equipment you can count on us to help you find parts quickly and under warranty so there is no expense to you.

Even if you don't purchase from us make sure you have your equipment registered for the extra years of parts warranty, it will save you money.

Thank you for taking the time to consider !

We look forward to earning and keeping your Valued Business !

Best Regards,